Sprint: Subclass Dance Party

Takeaways (to be updated):

  • Always bind event handlers (because you will lose context of ‘this’).
  • If using pseudoclassical pattern, make sure it’s being used in all your files. (e.g. calling new dancerMakerFunction() in init.js).
  • Use jQuery plugins and libraries for special effects.
  • Debugging:
    • Use debugger; inside function to be tested
    • Trace the call stack
    • Hover over variables or code to see what they’re referencing
    • Remember to stop the debugger to execute the rest of the app
Sprint: Subclass Dance Party

Free Code Camp Project: Tribute Page

Objective: Build a CodePen.io app that is functionally similar to this: https://codepen.io/FreeCodeCamp/full/NNvBQW/.

Whipped up this responsive tribute page in 3 hours with Bootstrap.  My code could still be cleaner but I had a lot of fun building this nonetheless.  Pretty sure front-end is my preferred stack. 🙂


Side note:  This was inspired by a kdrama about a mermaid that I’m watching.  I’m actually more of a Belle fan.

Free Code Camp Project: Tribute Page